Since yesterday was First Contact/
Zefrem Cochrane Day, I had to watch First
Contact, as if I really needed the reason. The movie opens with the Picard
dreaming that he in the Borg hive, remembering the time he was assimilated and
became Locutus. Picard is awoken by a message from Starfleet that the Borg have
reached Federation space, with a direct course for Earth (obviously). Instead
of being thrust into the battle, the Enterprise-E
is sent off to the Neutral Zone; the
higher ups don’t want Picard near Borg because it would be “unstable.”
Let’s talk about the Borg for a minute. I love the Borg; they’re a great enemy. They’re unfeeling and calculating and can hurt you in much worse ways than killing you. The terror comes from knowing that if captured, you won’t be enslaved or killed, but you will became that which you hate. I also love that they are genuinely stronger than the Federation. It takes all of Starfleet to fight one Borg ship. (Disregarding some Voyager for a moment, which I think overused/weakened the Borg) it’s nice having a superior enemy face the Federation in battle. And they do some heavy damage. Of course the good guys win in the end, but I love an enemy strong enough and scary enough to convince me that it might just turn out differently.
Earth 300 years ago (or rather, 50 years from now) is repairing from WWIII, economic stability, and social riots. There is a small group of people living in Bozeman, Montana, including Zefram Cochrane, who is a day away from making his historical first warp flight. His flight will grab the attention of Vulcans and initiate first contact. The Borg want to prevent first contact so they can assimilate Earth easily.
Bev is rocking mid-21st century style. |
Classy BAMF. |
Data is captured and taken to the Borg Queen. And the Borg Queen is all over Data. He has the encrypted codes that would give the Borg total control of the Enterprise. But she seems way more into him on a sexual level. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be turned on or repulsed. She activates his emotion chip and begins a process of turning him into an organic being.
Uncomfortably sexy. |
Side note: I’ve always been team Picard-Crusher, and while it is addressed and makes sense why they never wind up together, I really, really want them to. It also makes me a bit defensive when Picard has relationships with other women (or when Crusher sleeps with her heirloom ghost). But I really like Sloane. I’m not getting overly romantic vibes or anything, but I think even if I were, I’d still like her. She isn’t letting these people from the future use their technology and knowledge to make her feel inferior; she steps right up to their level. She calls Picard out on his flaws while Crusher is on the bridge following orders she disagrees with.
While everyone evacuates the ship, Picard stays behind in hopes of recuing Data. While watching all the escape pods leave Enterprise and head to Earth, I can’t help but think 1. didn’t anyone on earth notice those dozens of little ships? It’s the 21st century; we can see things in orbit and 2. I don’t believe that all those pods make it made to the ship. There are some 24th century crewmen stuck in the past. Anyway, Picard goes down to engineering and faces the Borg Queen. He offers to willingly give himself over to the Borg in exchange for Data’s freedom. But Data works with the Borg Queen instead and stops the self-destruct.
This is my favorite of the TNG movies. Exploration for its own sake, diplomacy, questions of morals and humanity, technobabble, action, and a dash of interspecies sexual tension: it has everything that makes Trek Trek.
Data: “Captain, I believe I speak for
everyone here, sir, when I say to hell with our orders.”
Picard: “They’ll assimilate the Enterprise, and then, Earth.”
Sloane: “Borg? Sounds Swedish.”
Emergency Medical Hologram: “I’m a doctor, not a doorstop.”
Troi: “Timeline? This is no time to argue about time. We don’t have the time.”
Troi: “[First contact] unites humanity in a way that no one ever thought possible, when they realize they are not alone in the universe. Poverty, disease, war, they’ll all be gone within the next 50 years.”
Borg Queen: “I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the Borg.”
Cochrane: “I’ve heard enough about the great Zefram Cochrane. I don’t know who writes your history books or where you get your information from, but you people have got some pretty funny ideas about me. You all look at me as if I’m some kind of saint or visionary or something.”
Riker: “I don’t think you’re saint, Doc, but you did have a vision.”
Picard: “In my century, we don’t succumb to revenge. We have a more evolved sensibility.”
Sloane: “Bullshit!”
Sloane: “Captain Ahab has to go hunt his whale.”
Picard: “Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far; no farther! And I will make them pay for what they’ve done!”
Data: “Resistance is futile.”
Cochrane: “And you people, you’re all astronauts on some kind of star trek.” (I see what you did there.)
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